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Tuition & Fee

學季班 Quarter Program 

課程類別 Categories 總時數 Total hours 課程人數 Class size 學費 Tuition fees
春季 Spring Quarter 180 hours (12 weeks) 6-14 students NTD 25,000
夏季 Summer Quarter  180 hours (12 weeks) NTD 25,000
秋季 Fall Quarter 180 hours (12 weeks) NTD 25,000
冬季 Winter Quarter 150 hours (10 weeks) NTD 20,850

個人班 Individual Class

課程類別 Categories 學費 Tuition fees
一對一 one-on-one NTD 25,000 NTD 500/ per hour
一對二 one-on-two   NTD 350/ per hour (per student)
一對三 one-on-three   NTD 250/ per hour (per student)
 *Tuition fees do not include insurance, materials, and dormitory fees.
* If you enroll in company (with friends) or you study two (or more) quarters, there will be a discount on program fees. Please check the corresponding box in the application form.

 退費規定 Refunds 

1.  Should classes be cancelled due to lack of applicants, tuition fees shall be refunded. 
2.  If applicants are unable to obtain a visa, the class tuition shall be refunded. 
3.  If students are unable to attend classes due to personal reasons before the class starts, the paid tuition fees will not be refunded or transferred, but the class can be postponed for next term.
4.  If students are unable to attend classes due to personal reasons after the class starts, or if they are absent during the course, the paid tuition fee will not be refunded, and the class will not be postponed for next term.