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Summer Program

Asia University

 Language & Culture Summer Program for Visiting International Students

Here at AU, on one of the most beautiful campuses in Taiwan, we provide you with a unique and diversified learning experience in the summer.  Our summer program (57 hours in total) is designed to meet the needs of those who come to explore the richness and diversity of Taiwan culture and society in combination with the acquisition of Mandarin Chinese, one of the world’s major languages with more than a billion speakers.  Courses cover a wide range of topics such as Taiwan cinema and literature, Taiwan temple culture, eating and food in Taiwan, and the like.  3 academic credits will be granted by the school after the completion of the program and students are expected to develop their cross-cultural awareness and to expand their international networking as well as their global perspectives.

Program Dates

Three-week Course: Monday, August 7 - Friday, August 25

(depends on calendar)

About the program

This 3-week program includes intensive Mandarin Chinese language classes and  Taiwan culture and society classes.  A series of English-delivered lectures and field trips are also included, allowing you in this manner to explore some unique features of Taiwan’s ecology and geopolitics.

Our language instructors will help you acquire some survival Mandarin Chinese and become familiar with various aspects of Taiwan culture and society.  Students will be assigned TAs or buddies to practice their Mandarin Chinese on a daily basis,  being immersed in this manner in a Chinese-speaking environment.

The program features:

During your three weeks of study at Asia University, you need to attend class for six hours a day (3 hours in the morning and 3 hours in the afternoon) and acquire Mandarin Chinese by task-based learning. In the evenings, you may eat in the dining hall, finish homework in your dorm, and participate in social activities. Your learning buddy will be assigned during the three weeks and you will have opportunity make friends with local students, practice your Chinese, understand Taiwanese culture and life styles. Five cultural excursions will be organized during your three-week study. Language classes and cultural activities are designed to meet the specific needs of each individual.

Table 1 Curriculum for Summer Visiting International Students Program

Course Title



華語文課程Chinese Language-社交華語Campus Life and Socializing



華語文課程Chinese Language-旅遊華語Traveling


漫步臺灣電影文學Taiwan Cinema and Literature


龍飛鳳舞書法藝術Art of Calligraphy


臺灣民俗藝術Taiwan Folk Arts


臺灣生態足跡Taiwan 's Ecology


臺灣廟會逗熱鬧Taiwan Temple fair


吃出臺灣文化精髓Eating in Taiwan


臺灣農業Taiwan Agriculture


臺灣建築風華Elegance of Taiwan Architecture


細味臺灣古蹟與古事Taiwan Monuments and Ancient Events


原汁原味原住民Taiwan Indigenous Culture


解讀臺灣政治與媒體Interpreting Taiwan 's Politics and Media

