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Postal Savings Account

 Apply using national ID card, secondary certificates, and authorized seal.
 Secondary certificates: May include National Health Insurance card, driver's license, passport,household certificate, or household registration transcript, etc.
 If you change your name, you must provide your new household certificate or household registration transcript containing "Detailed Milestone."
 Applicants who have no alien resident certificate must present their passport and a "record of ID No. in the Republic of China" (apply at the county/city service station of the National Immigration Agency, Ministry of the Interior; for inquiries, call: 02-2388-9393; 0800-024-111).

You may open an account at post offices anywhere in Taiwan with the foregoing documents and any amount exceeding NT$10. An account application form, deposit slip , and a "CRS self-certification form" must be filled out at the time of application; please carefully read relevant covenants in the "postal passbook/giro savings account opening agreement".

9   Chunghwa POST Website
  Chunghwa POST Account Opening and Documents for Application

Cathay United Bank Savings Account

  Applicants with ARC
 ARC and secondary certificates
 Name stamp / seal
 NT$ 1000 opening deposit fee

 Applicants without ARC
 Passport with legal visa (or stamp) or Overseas Compatriot Identify Certificate issued by the Overseas Community Affairs Council, and a Record of ID No. in the Republic of China. 
 Name stamp / seal
 NT$ 1000 opening deposit fee

10   Cathay United Bank Website
  Cathay United Bank Savings Account Opening