【活动公告】外籍生华语文简报比赛 报名截止期限延后!


Chinese Presentation Contest



-参加对象/Qualifications: 本校国际学生

-决赛日期/Date: 另行公布

-决赛时间/Time: 初级组Beginning Group-10:00~12:00/进阶组Advanced Group-13:00~15:30

-决赛地点/Venue: A115


Ÿ 初级组/Beginning Group:我的家乡 My Country

1. 你家家乡在哪里(地理位置) ?附近有什么(有山?有海?)?

2. 你的家乡有什么特色?(最大的?最冷的?人口最多的?)

3. 你的家乡有什么好吃的?好玩的或者漂亮的地方?

4. 你的家乡附近有什么好玩的/漂亮的地方?你推荐去哪里玩?为什么?

Ÿ 进阶组/Advanced Group:我的国家中非去不可的三个地方 3 Must-visit Places in My Country

1. 你的国家在哪里?基本的背景、历史是什么?

2. 你推荐的地方:你为什么推荐这个地方?它有什么特色? (历史文化?美食美景?)



点选下方连结或扫描QR Codegoogle表单完成线上报名及上传6-10(初级组)/12-15(进阶组)PPT简报档。如参赛组件超过10组,由评审审件进行初选,通过者进入决赛。

Participants have to submit 6-10 PowerPoint slides file (Beginning Group)/12-15 PowerPoint slides file (Advanced Group) and fill in the online registration. If the number of participants each group exceeds 10, judges will do a first round evaluation by examining the PowerPoint slides. Students with better performance will be selected for the final round.

*报名连结Sign-up Link: https://forms.gle/3VbpUa7ezcxENWh98  




 Each Group will have 1st, 2nd, 3rd prize and 2 Outstanding Awards.


First Prize: NT$ 2,000 & certificates.


Second Prize: NT$ 1,200 & certificates.


Third Prize: NT$ 800 & certificates.


Outstanding Award: certificates 



1. 比赛分为初级组(语言程度ATOCFL考试L3-4)进阶组(语言程度BTOCFL考试L5-6)

The contest is divided into two groups: Beginning Group(Band A, TOCFL level 3-4) and Advanced Group(Band B, TOCFL level 5-6)

2. google表单完成线上报名及上传6-10(初级组)/12-15(进阶组)PPT简报档

Participants have to submit 6-10 PowerPoint slides file (Beginning Group)/12-15 PowerPoint slides file (Advanced Group) and fill in the online registrationEntry list for the final round will be announced on the website & office.


Final round date will be announced. Each participant should do an oral presentation on stage. 


Since the focus of the contest is to motivate students who live in countries where Chinese is a foreign language, if participants come from a country where one of the official languages is Chinese (or the participant has a passport from a country where Chinese is an official language), that student cannot participate in the contest.




Since this is an individual contest, presentation must be done solo (not in a group).


Each participant will give a presentation at the scheduled time. For Beginning Group, each presentation should last 3 to 5 minutes; for Advanced Group, each presentation should last 6 to 8 minutes. Points will be deducted if the presentation does not reach/end within the time limit. For Beginning Group, the bell will ring once when the presentation reaches the 3 and a half minute mark, twice at the 4th minute mark, and three times at the 5th minute; For Advanced Group, the bell will ring once when the presentation reaches the 5 and a half minute mark, twice at the 7th minute mark, and three times at the 8th minute; After the bell rings three times, the host will end the presentation and ask presenters to leave the stage.


It is required to use the PowerPoint to facilitate the presentation. Slides must be created by participants, ideally their original work; please list the references for photos and information shown in slides to avoid copyright infringement. We encourage participants to glance at notes occasionally instead of reading content in slides.


-评分方式/Judging Criteria:

初赛First Round:

决赛 Final Round:

简报内容PTT’s Content: 50%   

报内容PTT’s Content: 30% 

中文使用正确度Language Accuracy: 30%

中文发音与流畅度English Pronunciation and Fluency: 40% 

设计与创意Design & Creativity: 20%

上台表现Performance: 30%











Organizer: Chinese Language Center, International College


Co-organizer: Center for the Development of Language Teaching and Research, International College